
Submit Your Idea for a Simpson Strong-Tie Product

Welcome to the Simpson Strong-Tie product idea submittal page. We appreciate your support and taking the time to share your ideas with us. Before doing so, however, it is important that you understand our company policies and the terms that apply if you choose to submit your product idea. If you do not agree to these terms or the terms of the agreement you will be asked to sign, you should not submit your product idea.

Download Submission Form

In connection with anything you submit to us—whether or not solicited by us—you agree that any ideas, suggestions or other materials you submit are not being made in confidence or trust and that no confidential or fiduciary relationship is intended or created between you and us in any way, and that you have no expectation of review, compensation or consideration of any type. No obligation of any kind is assumed or may be implied as a result of your submission of a product idea.

If you have obtained a patent or applied for a patent application with respect to the idea or invention disclosed in the Product Idea Disclosure Agreement, it is very important that you identify each such patent or patent application. As between you and Simpson, you shall own all right, title and interest in and to any Disclosed Patents And Patent Applications. Subject to the foregoing, you agree that all right, title and interest in and to the Product Idea Submission or any Inventions relating thereto (collectively, the "Assigned Inventions") shall be and are assigned to Simpson. For the avoidance of doubt, the "Assigned Inventions" do not include any Disclosed Patents And Patent Applications, but the "Assigned Inventions" do include any patents or patent applications that you fail to identify and disclose to Simpson.

If you wish to submit your product idea, the terms and conditions applicable to such submission are set forth in the Product Idea Disclosure Agreement that follows. No changes to the terms of this agreement will be accepted. We will not consider or evaluate any new product submission where the terms of the agreement have been altered. If you accept such terms, however, you will be able to upload additional documents, photographs or drawings and to submit your idea. When considering whether to submit your product idea to us, please be aware that we are only interested in products that are either structural in nature (such as connector, mechanical anchor, adhesive, lateral bracing, fiber wrapped reinforcement) or a fastener, fastener driving device or similar type product; i.e., those that are load rated and that will enhance and strengthen the structure in which such product is used. If you submit an idea for a product that does not meet this criteria, it will not be considered and you will not hear back from us. Some examples of products that would not fall within such criteria include ideas related to tools (other than drill or similar screw fastening device), aids, guides, clothing, storage devices, gardening, recreation, sport, barbeque, automobile or transportation. We are more likely to consider structural products that enhance a connection between wood to wood, wood to concrete, concrete to concrete, steel to steel, steel to wood, steel to concrete, and/or fiberglass.

If your idea fits with the criteria for submission described above, please research your idea and determine whether it is currently in the market or if someone is holding a patent which is similar to your idea. Doing a little homework can save a lot of time, effort and expense.

We thank you for thinking of Simpson Strong-Tie, and look forward to seeing your submission, which you can send to us as an email attachment. If we have any questions regarding your submission, we will contact you. It is possible, however, that you will not receive any response or other communication from us as a result of your submission.