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ECCU End Column Cap with Uplift

The ECCU is designed for column-beam connections in end-of-beam applications requiring uplift values. The seat of the column cap provides additional surface area for bearing that extends beyond one side of the column. The ECCU helps to distribute the load from the beam and provide support for the connection.

Key Features

  • Certified welds for confidence in strength and loading
  • Uplift loads increased for earthquake or wind loading
  • Bolt spacing that meets NDS code requirements to ensure optimal performance
  • Diamond holes to provide temporary fastening


  • ECCU 5/8, ECCU44 — 7 gauge; ECCU 3/4 — 3 gauge


  • Simpson Strong-Tie gray paint


  • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes
  • Bolt holes shall be a minimum of 1/32" to a maximum of 1/16" larger than the bolt diameter (per 2018 NDS, section; bolt holes should be drilled from one side all the way through the beam to maintain hole tolerances
  • Contact engineered wood manufacturers for connections that are not through the wide face


  • Straps may be rotated 90° where W1 ≥ W2.
  • For special, custom or rough-cut lumber sizes, provide dimensions. An optional W2 dimension may be specified. (The W2 dimension on straps rotated 90° is limited by the W1 dimension.)

Ordering Information

Related Literature

Load Tables

  These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson Strong-Tie for details.

  For stainless-steel fasteners, see Fastener Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors.

Model No. Beam Width (in.) Dimensions (in.) Bolts Allowable Loads (DF/SP)
W1 W2 L H1 Size Beam Post Uplift Down
(160) (100)
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 3 1/4 W2 = 3 5/8 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 5/8 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 3,150 6,835
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 3 1/4 W2 = 5 1/2 3 1/8 3 1/4 5 1/2 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 3,150 10,740
  ECCU44 3 1/2 3 5/8 3 5/8 6 1/2 4 5/8 2 2 1,850 7,655
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 3 5/8 W2 = 5 1/2 3 1/2 3 5/8 5 1/2 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 3,530 12,030
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 3 5/8 W2 = 7 1/2 3 1/2 3 5/8 7 1/2 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 3,530 16,405
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 4 5/8 W2 = 3 5/8 4 1/2 4 5/8 3 5/8 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 4,535 9,845
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 4 5/8 W2 = 4 5/8 4 1/2 4 5/8 4 5/8 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 4,535 12,655
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 4 5/8 W2 = 5 1/2 4 1/2 4 5/8 5 1/2 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 4,535 15,470
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 5 1/4 W2 = 3 5/8 5 1/8 5 1/4 3 5/8 10 1/2 8 1/8 3/4 4 2 6,300 11,210
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 5 1/4 W2 = 5 1/2 5 1/8 5 1/4 5 1/2 10 1/2 8 1/8 3/4 4 2 6,500 17,615
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 5 1/4 W2 = 7 1/2 5 1/8 5 1/4 7 1/2 10 1/2 8 1/8 3/4 4 2 6,645 24,025
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 5 1/2 W2 = 3 5/8 5 1/4, 5 1/2 5 1/2 3 5/8 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 5,545 12,030
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 5 1/2 W2 = 5 1/2 5 1/4, 5 1/2 5 1/2 5 1/2 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 5,545 18,905
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 5 1/2 W2 = 7 1/2 5 1/4, 5 1/2 5 1/2 7 1/2 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 5,545 25,780
  ECCU 5/8 W1 = 5 1/2 W2 = 7 1/8 5 1/4, 5 1/2 5 1/2 7 1/8 9 1/2 6 1/2 5/8 4 2 5,545 24,490
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 6 7/8 W2 = 3 5/8 6 3/4 6 7/8 3 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,330 15,355
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 6 7/8 W2 = 5 1/2 6 3/4 6 7/8 5 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,790 24,130
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 6 7/8 W2 = 6 7/8 6 3/4 6 7/8 6 7/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,020 29,615
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 6 7/8 W2 = 7 1/2 6 3/4 6 7/8 7 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,145 32,905
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/8 W2 = 3 5/8 7 7 1/8 3 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,360 18,375
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/8 W2 = 5 1/2 7 7 1/8 5 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,825 28,875
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/8 W2 = 7 1/8 7 7 1/8 7 1/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,105 36,750
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/8 W2 = 7 1/2 7 7 1/8 7 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,190 39,375
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/2 W2 = 3 5/8 7 1/2 7 1/2 3 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,410 16,405
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/2 W2 = 5 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 5 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,885 25,780
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 7 1/2 W2 = 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,250 35,155
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 8 7/8 W2 = 3 5/8 8 3/4 8 7/8 3 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 6,580 19,905
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 8 7/8 W2 = 5 1/2 8 3/4 8 7/8 5 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,080 31,280
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 8 7/8 W2 = 7 1/2 8 3/4 8 7/8 7 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,455 42,655
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 9 1/2 W2 = 5 1/2 9 1/4 9 1/2 5 1/2 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,160 32,655
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 11 5/8 W2 = 5 5/8 11 1/2 11 5/8 5 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,410 39,530
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 11 5/8 W2 = 7 5/8 11 1/2 11 5/8 7 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 7,790 53,905
  ECCU 3/4 W1 = 11 5/8 W2 = 9 5/8 11 1/2 11 5/8 9 5/8 10 1/2 8 3/4 4 2 8,080 68,280
  1. Uplift loads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern.
  2. Downloads shall be reduced where limited by allowable loads of the post.
  3. Column sides are assumed to be aligned in the same vertical plane as the beam sides. ECCU models with W1 = 4 5/8″ assume a minimum 3 1/2″-wide post.
  4. Structural composite lumber columns have sides that show either the wide face or the edges of the lumber strands/veneers known as the narrow face. Values in the tables reflect installation into the wide face. See technical bulletin T-C-SCLCLM for load reductions resulting from narrow-face installations.
  5. Beam depth must be at least as tall as H1.

Code Reports & Compliance
