
Strong-Wall Site-Built Portal Frame System

Portal Frame System Dimensions

Portal Frame System Dimensions
  1. LVL is 2.0E (min.); solid sawn lumber is #2 or better.
  2. Anchor bolts are not included in the portal frame system kit. Refer to Site-Built Portal Frame System Anchorage page for additional information on anchorage.
  3. Refer to foundation details for minimum concrete dimensions.
  4. Solid sawn columns require a wood shim at the holdown assemblies.
  5. Maximum total height may be increased to 144" with the addition of a pony wall above the header, as shown in the figure on Site-Built Portal Frame System Design Options and Tools page.
  6. Glulam headers may be 3 1/8"–3 1/2" wide. For assembly details with solid sawn or LVL columns, refer to detail sheet PFS3
To specify a portal frame system, include the following:
  • Single or double hardware kit
  • Column size and material
  • Beam size and material
  • Anchor diameter, adhesive type and embedment depths
  • Specific reference to any shim blocking or pony wall assembly details, if applicable
  • Include the Simpson Strong-Tie installation detail sheet with your plans and reference the sheet number
  • - On framing/wall-bracing sheets specify: Simpson Strong-Tie PFS-HKD double wall portal with (2) 2x10 SP columns with 1/2" OSB shim, (2) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" LVL beams with 1/4" shim
  • - On foundation sheets specify: Simpson Strong-Tie SET-3G™ epoxy, 5/8"-diameter all-thread rod, 12" embedment

See Simpson Strong-Tie PFS installation details on Sheets PFS1, PFS2, and PFS3. Installation sheets can be downloaded at strongtie.com/pfs

PFS Elevation

Portal Frame System Bracing Equivalents for Wind and Seismic

Portal Frame System Bracing Equivalents for Wind
  1. The Strong-Wall site-built portal frame system (PFS) is applicable for use up to 10' max. The total wall height is permitted to be increased to 12' with a 2' max. pony wall. For pony wall applications, the equivalent bracing length must be reduced by a 0.80 factor.
  2. PFS may be used in single-story and first of two-story applications for detached and one- and two-family dwellings in Wind and SDC A, B and C.
  3. Use limited to single-story applications for detached and one- and two-family dwellings in SDC D0–D2.
  4. Concurent vertical load denotes the total maximum concentric vertical load permitted on the portal frame column when combined lateral loads are present.
  5. The designer is responsible for the beam design. The reaction at beam/column interface shall not exceed the tabulated maximum allowable beam end reaction for each material type. The maximum allowable beam end reaction may not be increased for duration of load.
  6. When required, add beam support trimmer stud(s) per designer. Attach to PFS column with 0.162" x 3 1/2" nails at 12" on center.
  7. Minimum header depths for LVL and solid sawn are 11 1/4" and 11 7/8", respectively.
  8. Solid sawn columns may be used in combination with LVL header material. Wall-bracing length is limited to that of the solid sawn material. Shims illustrated in LVL — Solid Sawn detail below must be used for proper framing alignment.
  9. For 10" nominal DF/SP and SPF/HF systems constructed with shim at holdown only, vertical load is limited to 2,500 lb.
Wood Framing Details

Note: See strongtie.com/pfs, Installation Detail Sheet PFS3 for Alternate Framing Conditions, including Glulam Header Assembly details.

Pony Wall Assembly Requirements
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