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Strong-Drive® FPHSD FRAMING-TO-CFS Screw (Collated)

Key Features

  • Flat pan head
  • #3 square drive (driver bit in each box; replacement bit model BIT3S)
  • #3 drill point
  • Clear zinc coating
  • Straight collation
  • This screw is also available in bulk for hand-drive installation


  • Cold-formed steel framing and sheet steel sheathing to cold-formed steel

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Product Information Table

Fastener Production Information and Stuff & Things
Model No. Coating/Material Screw Size Length (in.) Head Diameter (in.) Drive Type Head Type TPI Max. Grip Length (in.) Point Type Point Size Compatible Tools Packaging Qty.
  1. Grip length includes side member, steel thickness, air gap (if any) and allowance for three threads protruding through the steel.
FPHSD34S1016 Clear Zinc Coating #10 3/4 0.365 #3 Square Flat Pan Head 16 0.309 Drill Point 3 Quik Drive® PROPP150G2, Quik Drive® PROPHG2 2500
FPHSD34S1214 Clear Zinc Coating #12 3/4 0.365 #3 Square Flat Pan Head 14 0.282 Drill Point 3 Quik Drive® PROPP150G2, Quik Drive® PROPHG2 2500

Product Information Table

Model No. Length (in.) Screw Size Drive Type Head Diameter (in.) Head Type TPI Point Size Point Type Coating/Material Packaging Quantity Compatible Quik Drive® Tools UPC
FPHSD34S1016 3/4 #10 #3 Square 0.365 Flat Pan Head 16 3 Drill Point Clear-Zinc Coating 2500 PROPP150, PROPH 746056699606
FPHSD34S1214 3/4 #12 #3 Square 0.365 Flat Pan Head 14 3 Drill Point Clear-Zinc Coating 2500 PROPP150, PROPH 746056599500

Load Tables

FPHSD (#10) Screw — (Sheet-Steel Sheathing to CFS) Nominal Shear Strength (Rn) for Wind (W) and Seismic (S) for Shearwalls1 (lb./ft.)

  1. Nominal strength shall be multiplied by the resistance factor (Φ = 0.6, LRFD Seismic, Φ = 0.65, LRFD Wind) to determine design strength or divided by the safety factor (Ω = 2.5, ASD Seismic, Ω = 2.0, ASD Wind) to determine allowable strength.
  2. Screws in the field of the panel shall be installed 12" (305 mm) on center (o.c.).
  3. Shearwall height-to-width aspect ratio (h/w) greater than 2:1, but not exceeding 4:1, shall be permitted provided the nominal strength values are multiplied by 2w/h.
  4. Wall studs and track shall be of ASTM A1003 Structural Grade 33 (Grade 230) Type H steel for members with a designation thickness of 33 and 43 mil.
  5. In lieu of blocking, panel edges shall be permitted to be overlapped and attached to each other with screw spacing as required for panel edges. Where such a connection is used, tabulated design values shall be reduced 30%.
  6. Maximum stud spacing 24" o.c.
  7. Blocking, if applicable, shall be a minimum 33 mil 1 1/2" width.
  8. Table based on Table C2.1-1 AISI S213 Standard North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing — Lateral Design 2007 Edition with Supplement No. 1 and Commentary.

FPHSD — Cold-Formed Steel Member Connection Loads, Steel to Steel

  1. Screws and connections have been tested per AISI Standard Method S904 and S905.
  2. The tabulated ASD and LRFD allowable loads for cold-formed steel (CFS) members are based on the lower of the screw strength or the strength of the screw in the connected members per AISI S100.
  3. Values are based on CFS members with a minimum yield strength of Fy = 33 ksi and tensile strength of Fu = 45 ksi for 43 mil (18 ga.) to 27 mil (22 ga.), minimum yield strength of Fy = 50 ksi and Fu = 65 ksi for 54 mil (16 ga.) to 97 mil (12 ga.).
  4. For design purposes, steel sheet thicknesses are 0.0283" for 27 mil, 0.0346" for 33 mil, 0.0451" for 43 mil, 0.0566" for 54 mil, 0.0713" for 68 mil, and 0.1017" for 97 mil. The actual sheet thickness shall not be less than 95% of these design thicknesses as specified in AISI S100.
  5. Screw diameters per AISI S200 General Provision Commentary Table D1.1.
  6. Minimum required screw length is the lesser of 3/4" or the minimum length required for the screw to extend through the steel connection a minimum of three exposed threads per AISI S200 General Provisions Standard Section D1.3.
  7. Screw head dw for #10 and #12 screws is 0.357".
  8. The allowable load (ASD) values shown are not permitted to be increased for short-duration loads such as wind or earthquake loads.
  9. The lower of the pull-over and pull-out allowable load should be used for tension design.
  10. The tabulated shear values are based on the thinner steel member in connection. Steel thickness for both members must be in the range of 12–22 gauge.
  11. See the General Load Tables for screw strength.

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